Cool Things You Can Do with Our LED Walls

Cool Things You Can Do with Our LED Walls

We get it. You’re planning your event or conference, and trying to come up with a staging look that’s going to grab attention while also being functional. Plain pipe & drape feels passé, projection screens are nothing new, and physical 3D stage decor feels a little clunky and cluttered for your taste.

Enter: The LED video wall. 

There’s SO much you can do with modular video panels. Beyond being highly practical with their capacity to show well in virtually any space, they also allow you to get more creative!


Here are just a few things you can do when you’ve got an LED wall to play with:

Create a dynamic, video-based stage set.

Nix the passive scenic elements like fabric treatments or printed backdrops, and use your LED wall as a live canvas. Not only can you use them to display presentation materials in a more dynamic way, you can also use it to showcase event branding, sponsor logos, and other creative motion graphics as part of your stage set.

Choose a more memorable venue. 

Our LED panels have enough brightness and intensity to maintain fully visible & high quality visuals in full, direct sunlight - something you can’t achieve with projection! So don’t be afraid of those venues with gorgeous floor to ceiling windows, or outdoor spaces with amazing views. Your displays will still be impactful, even with all of that natural light!

See more specs on our LED video walls >>


Inject wow-worthy moments into the rest of your event.

You can do so much more with our modular LED panels than just 16:9 presentation displays. Our video wall panels can be configured into displays that suit all areas of your event space - whether that’s through smaller mosaic-style displays showing ongoing event photos in social areas, vertical columns spaced around your venue to showcase sponsor messaging or event branding, or a super-wide screen that spans an entire wall near an entry for a high-impact first impression!

You can even use them to level up a virtual event!

Even in virtual event settings, where presentations and conversations are being recorded and streamed, our LED walls give your speakers the ultimate flexibility in how to present their content in an engaging way.

6 Reasons You Want a Technical Producer for Your Virtual or Hybrid Event

6 Reasons You Want a Technical Producer for Your Virtual or Hybrid Event

Many hybrid and virtual event planners are still learning the skills & technological requirements needed to execute a professional-looking virtual event with high production quality - especially those who had to pivot on a dime last year. 

Bringing on a technical production partner (like The AV Company) can take a lot of the weight off of your planner’s shoulders! Here are a few benefits of working with a technical producer:

Virtual event speaker giving presentation with technical assistance and video equipment

Experience & Expertise:

We can conduct any tests & rehearsals needed, and can flag issues that you may not notice or anticipate beforehand. Our years of experience mean we know what to look for - and what to get ahead of.

Video Production & Editing:

Video production is fully in our wheelhouse, so if you want to utilize prerecorded video, we can support you in recording & editing it to look as pristine & professional as the rest of your event.

Video camera recording equipment for hybrid virtual event in Charlottesville Virginia

Technical Support:

We make sure that the entire technical system you event requires is running smoothly, from internet connectivity, to audiovisual equipment, to your virtual event platform of choice - and beyond!


Even though virtual events may not involve a physical venue, catering, etc., they still have a lot of moving parts! From transitions between speakers & presentations, to breakouts which may be on their own unique schedules, to pre-recorded content needing to be inserted & visuals that need shifting - a virtual event production specialist can coordinate everything to ensure a seamless experience for your attendees.

Speaker being recorded for a virtual conference in central Virginia

Sponsor Satisfaction:

It’s highly important that your sponsors’ brand exposure via your virtual event looks & feels professional. Another thing that we as your virtual event producer will do is make sure that any overlays, lower thirds, and other branded visual elements appear properly and at the right times.

Attendee Assistance:

With all of the aforementioned moving parts, you may need help making sure attendees are engaging with the appropriate activations at the appropriate times so they don’t get lost in the shuffle. This can be a delicate balance, but as technical event producers, we’re well versed in helping attendees get where they need to go in a way that feels completely in line with the rest of your event experience.

If you’re planning a virtual or hybrid event for the summer or fall, get in touch!  Let us be on your side as you navigate the wild but exciting world of virtual event tech.

Introducing: Remo!

Introducing: Remo!

Looking for a way to humanize your virtual events?

This past year, we discovered the perfect tool for this!

It’s called Remo, and it’s a web-based platform that goes beyond videoconferencing, and offers a blend of organic networking & presentation-style video casting - all in one engaging interface!

Screen Shot 2021-04-12 at 9.12.11 PM.png

To give you a better sense of what this app can do, here’s a list of some of its features:

The Remo interface in Conversation mode, inside a Table conversation

The Remo interface in Conversation mode, inside a Table conversation

The Basics:

  • Throughout an event, you can switch between Conversation mode, which allows guests to have & move between private conversations, and Presentation mode, which allows speakers to present to all of the guests.

  • Private conversations are hosted at “Tables”, which guests can move between with a single click. Conversations utilize video & audio, similar to platforms like Zoom!

  • In presentation mode, you can have multiple speakers, record your talk, and even take questions using the Q&A function that allows you to sort questions by popularity.

  • There’s also a Chat feature, where guests can chat with other individuals, with a whole table, or with everybody in the event in a written medium!

  • You can add customizable sponsor banners that are interactive for guests, and which track guest interaction with ad material.

The Whiteboard feature with a text box, sticky note, and an embedded video

The Whiteboard feature with a text box, sticky note, and an embedded video

Other Cool Things:

  • The Whiteboard feature can be used within a Table as a collaborative visual workspace. With text, drawing, & media embedding features, it can provide a working tableau to collaborate on in real time, or Whiteboards can be pre-loaded with content for predetermined exercises!

  • Each attendee gets a virtual business card, which they can customize upon entry.

  • At any time, hosts can issue Announcements that reach everyone in the event space. This can be used for a welcome, for a reminder of an upcoming presentation, to share a link to a helpful resource, or really anything!

  • You can customize your own floor & seating plan to be consistent with your brand.

It also supports both paid and free events, requires no downloads or installation (it works entirely in your browser!), and is intuitive for your audience to use!

An attendee’s virtual business card

An attendee’s virtual business card


Now you’re probably thinking this sounds cool, but we’re guessing you’re not excited to have to learn how to use yet another conferencing application.

Never fear - we’re here to help you facilitate!

We specialize in helping to craft event flows that run seamlessly and keep attendees engaged - which can be an especially fine art when we’re talking virtual events. 

When you bring us on to execute your event via Remo, you’ll also have access to our cutting-edge video production skills & resources, helping you level up from the Zoom-style home-office aesthetic we’ve all become accustomed to this past year.

You’ll also get full-service, hands-on tech support leading up to and during the entirety of your event - and we can even help with the customization of your virtual event space!  (Truly customizing this space can often require the use of sophisticated graphics programs that have a steep learning curve. Our design team can take this off of your hands!) 

If you’ve been searching for a way to make your virtual events special, give us a call!

We’d love to schedule a demo for you and walk you through how this app might be useful to you!