We know as well as anyone that your job as a meeting or event planner is a tough one. You have lots of moving parts to juggle, and there can be a lot of pressure leading up to an event. But there are a few things you can do to make your job easier and create a more successful event every time!


This one may sound obvious, but hear us out. When you have a hundred decisions to make, it can be all too easy to select your vendors out of convenience. Make sure to choose vendors that fully understand your needs and your vision - and be sure to select vendors that you can rely on for future events as well. When you have an established, trusting relationship, assembling your list of vendors gets easier and easier.

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Maybe it’s a fun ice-breaker, or an exciting introduction video. Maybe it's a performance element, or a jaw-dropping set design that elevates the entire event. Whatever it is, one standout moment or element can create a memorable experience that sets the event’s tone in a positive way, and takes some pressure off all of the additional elements you’re juggling.


This is more important for meetings and conferences, but with any event, there are always people who end up not being able to attend. Instead of having to find ways to communicate the content of the event to those who were not there, you can live stream the event online, allowing those who could not attend to view the content firsthand - and cutting down on post-event work for you!



There may be more outsource-able components to your event than you realize. Take speaker management, for example. Why not let your AV or production company take care of helping your speakers get ready for their talk? We love helping our clients create a seamless speaker experience by providing rehearsal time, managing the event timeline, ensuring that speakers are comfortable with any technology & audio equipment they’re using, and giving them any guidance they need before sending them onstage. If your vendors are anything like us, they’ll be more than happy to take anything they can off of your plate. 

We hope these tips have been helpful!

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